Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Well...one day...

This evening I'm hoping to get a new timing belt on the car (not sure it is the problem but a few things weren't quite right...). If this doesn't fix it, it'll be off to a "dirty *m-word*"... mech... mechan... person that fixes cars and usually charges a ridiculously LARGE amount for simple fixes.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Parden this interuption...

So...our car died. Over the weekend I rebuild the bottom end, put new plugs and wires in, etc. Still nothing. It's strange. It will start on starter fluid...and runs great for about 3 seconds, till the fluid is burned off, then it's dead again. Fuel in the rails and in the lines, starts with starter fluid...I don't get it. I've got a few more things to check up on...but at any rate the bike project is on hold till I can get this freakin' car figured out. Hopefully soon, cause my friends aren't gonna be too friendly about having to drive me everywhere for much longer.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


That's right research and development.

Last night I spent a great deal of time stripping it down a bit further and cleaning it up a bit. It's somewhat difficult to work on a bike that makes you sneeze every time you move it for the sake of all the dust and dirt flying around. Upon cleaning it up...I was quite pleased to find that the frame is in great shape (a few very small rust spots...nothing cancerous). Pictures to come...left my camera here at work last night...

I'm planning on spending some time tonight trying to pull everything I can away from the motor in preparation for the up coming pull (buddy of mine is off work tomorrow night...keeping my fingers crossed that its coming out then).

Now...on to the R&D. I've spent a few hours searching different products to remove rust from chrome without leaving swirls all over it. While I was pleased to find quite a few things existed that apparently can do the job well...I was displeased to find that ALL of them have to be ordered online as none of them are readily available in stores (damn it). So...

If tomorrow's engine pull is as quick and mostly painless as I expect/really really hope it will be...I hope to begin testing a few hybrids of some ideas I've read about today. Naturally pictures and better details will be had by all...for now lets just say a trip to the grocery store, hardware store, and possibly the laundry mat will be in order.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Here she is...

First couple of pictures. This one is completely together (sort of...I got antsy and took the tank, seat, and fairings off before I realized I had no complete before shots...so I just put them back where they belong and balanced them there long enough to snap a couple of shots).

This one is from above...highlights the tank and the seat (and the ever so rough shape they are in).

The tear down begins...

Dirty, dirty bike. Some WD40 and some shop towels should take care of that. I'll see what I can accomplish tonight. The goal is go ahead and get the tank and fairings painted up (as they will take the longest to cure). That way next week after the engine is complete, and I've got her ready for them, I can hit them with the rubbing compound and polish, and get them mounted up. More pictures (hopefully) to follow tomorrow of the paint processes.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Home sweet home.

Got the bike home safely yesterday. Pictures and an update to come (hopefully) tomorrow. Dealing with some shit at work so not positive I'll be able to work on it tonight...but its the goal.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Things to come.

So if you've landed here you must be looking for info on this magnificent bike. Stay tuned! I'm picking one up on the other side of the state tomorrow for a rather cheap price and will be using this blog as a way to document the processes of bringing it back to life (been parked for a while and supposedly has an oil leak around the head gasket). She looks rough now, but I'm gonna see what I can do to make her a respectable little bike.

Some back info...I've got a professional electronics background (I'm a computer geek now). I've got about 16 years of shade tree mechanic experience...everything from brake jobs and oil changes to full engine rebuilds and even an auto trans rebuild under my belt. What I DON'T have...is any form of motorcycle experience. This is going to be my first. I figure what better way to gain a full respect for your bike then to be the one that builds it. I do hope my experiences here will inspire someone else to do the same, or possibly help someone along the way with a problem they are having.

You should of course feel free to comment (please do!! I've got a great deal of respect for other peoples opinions...even if they are about 90% dumb unless they agree with me :-D just kidding). Fact of the matter is, I'll be figuring a lot out by reading other peoples experiences and going through my own trial and error.

I'll post before and after pics of pretty much everything (I'm also a photographer so...you aren't gonna be able to escape me having plenty of pictures).

Enjoy the ride...I certainly hope I will.